"Ибо епископ должен быть непорочен, как Божий домостроитель, не дерзок, не гневлив, не пьяница, не бийца, не корыстолюбец,
Но страннолюбив, любящий добро, целомудрен, справедлив, благочестив, воздержан,
Держащийся истинного слова, согласного с учением, чтобы он был силен и наставлять в здравом учении и противящихся обличать. "
(К Титу 1:7-9)
"Возлюбленный! не подражай злу, но добру. Кто делает добро, тот от Бога; а делающий зло не видел Бога.
О Димитрии засвидетельствовано всеми и самою истиною; свидетельствуем также и мы, и вы знаете, что свидетельство наше истинно.
Многое имел я писать; но не хочу писать к тебе чернилами и тростью, "
(3-е Иоанна 1:11-13)

Dear visitors of the website of the Kovel Church Founded in 1924!

The Great God performs new miracles and healings. And we are sorry we have no possibility to give you all our available material. But we aim to update our site regularly with the new available testimonies glorifying the name of the Great Almighty God of the Father and the Son of God Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

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On October 30, 2013, the father and the mother from Prague gave us their request in the letter to pray for the healing of their two-year-old son Daniel. He had a terrible disease – hydronephrosis of both kidneys of III degree (kidney function is reduced to as low as 60-80% or complete dysfunction). On Saturday November 2, 2013, their need was told in the Kovel Church...



In the name of Jesus Christ, I witness of the miracle which God performed, by healing and saving me from disaster. On April 10, 2016, on Sunday, I had to go upstairs to the garret on a ladder. When I climbed down I tried to close the hatch, but something got under it. Half-bent I stood on the ladder and several times lifted and lowered this heavy hatch with my head to close it completely. Therefore, I felt a burning pain...



On January 15, 2013, I had deep pain in my tooth. I did not sleep the whole night, my cheek was swollen, I could hardly speak. In the morning, on 16th January, I went to a dentist. The dentist removed a crown and cleaned root canals so that the pus may flow out. Seeing that the pus did not flow out, she sent me to have an X-ray done and told me to come with dental X-ray image to a surgeon at 4 p.m...