"А когда [они пришли] во второй раз, Иосиф открылся братьям своим, и известен стал фараону род Иосифов. Иосиф, послав, призвал отца своего Иакова и все родство свое, душ семьдесят пять. Иаков перешел в Египет, и скончался сам и отцы наши; "
(Деяния 7:13-15)
"Открыв нам тайну Своей воли по Своему благоволению, которое Он прежде положил в Нем, В устроении полноты времен, дабы все небесное и земное соединить под главою Христом. В Нем мы и сделались наследниками, быв предназначены к тому по определению Совершающего все по изволению воли Своей, "
(К Ефесянам 1:9-11)
The Healing of Nelli Moritz from the Bleeding in 2000
Eighteen years ago Kateryna Shcherbakova was at death's door. But God healed her from many diseases through the prayer of God’s people. Now she is ninety-six years old, she is well...
My father was ill with pancreatic cancer; the hospital had discharged him to die at home. The hospital physician said that the metastases have metastasized (spread) throughout his body and he could only live a few days. At that time he only weighed about thirty kilograms (sixty-six pounds)...
We live in Germany. Our mom Olga fell seriously ill. Her limbs were numbing, she had pains in the back of her head, heart palpitations. Her body temperature rose to 39,2°C, she had loss of movement on the right side of her body. She felt a constant pain so strong, that her relatives couldn’t touch her body. Her face crooked, especially her mouth. She could not speak and move herself...
God heard our Sunday prayers and healed a woman who had a broken vertebra. She lives in Washington State. Faith in God’s healing emerged in her after she had known about healings through the prayers of the Kovel Church....