"Итак мы должны принимать таковых, чтобы сделаться споспешниками истине.
Я писал церкви; но любящий первенствовать у них Диотреф не принимает нас.
Посему, если я приду, то напомню о делах, которые он делает, понося нас злыми словами, и не довольствуясь тем, и сам не принимает братьев, и запрещает желающим, и изгоняет из церкви. "
(3-е Иоанна 1:8-10)
"Почему они и дивятся, что вы не участвуете с ними в том же распутстве, и злословят вас.
Они дадут ответ Имеющему вскоре судить живых и мертвых.
Ибо для того и мертвым было благовествуемо, чтобы они, подвергшись суду по человеку плотию, жили по Богу духом. "
(1-е Петра 4:4-6)
Many people thank for God’s help and healings that received from God. If you want – join our prayers, and we will pray for your needs. The prayer ministry was entrusted by God to the Kovel Church Founded in 1924 – this is Sunday prayers for the whole world.



The day before yesterday, 14.07.2011, Vladimir at dawn turned to a minister of the Kovel Church, asking him to pray for healing, because he at night began to feel excruciating pain in his abdomen in the right side. His liver was swollen, so it stuck out from under ribs. 

God showed the minister a vision about Vladimir’s spiritual state, and how he should direct his life, explaining this vision in the Russian language. In His word, God said that Vladimir should repent for the sinful thoughts and intentions which are in his heart and after that God would heal him from this disease. The minister of the church came to Vladimir at his house and told him all THE WORDS that God had spoken about him. Vladimir confirmed that there are the sinful thoughts and sinful intentions in his heart and confessed its to the minister of the church. 

After his repentance, the prayer was made to God that He would forgive Vladimir and heal him. During prayer, the pain stopped immediately – God healed the sick man! 

Vladimir thanked God, and on the second day, i.e. yesterday, he went to work. 

Glory to God for His marvellous deeds! Amen!



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Victor’s mother has been mentally ill for a long time. She suffered from sudden change in emotional behavior and memory lapses. For example, she forgot where things were or directions to get to a particular destination; she took something into her hands, held it for a long time and looked at it with unseeing eyes without any reaction...


THE TESTIMONY OF SVETLANA: “Gratitude to the Living God for the miraculous healing”

On December 3, 2011, we appealed to the Kovel Church through the internet, so that the believers would pray for our health. And on December 4, 2011, our child had a terrible flu. His temperature 39.4°C brought down with paracetamol for a short time, but it came back again with terrible vomiting and the refusal of food...


The Healing of Galina M.

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