Так что смерть действует в нас, а жизнь в вас.
Но, имея тот же дух веры, как написано: я веровал и потому говорил, и мы веруем, потому и говорим, "
(2-е Коринфянам 4:11-13)
"Ибо мы живые непрестанно предаемся на смерть ради Иисуса, чтобы и жизнь Иисусова открылась в смертной плоти нашей,
Так что смерть действует в нас, а жизнь в вас. Но, имея тот же дух веры, как написано: я веровал и потому говорил, и мы веруем, потому и говорим, " (2-е Коринфянам 4:11-13)
"И дам тебе ключи Царства Небесного: и что свяжешь на земле, то будет связано на небесах, и что разрешишь на земле, то будет разрешено на небесах.
Тогда [Иисус] запретил ученикам Своим, чтобы никому не сказывали, что Он есть Иисус Христос. С того времени Иисус начал открывать ученикам Своим, что Ему должно идти в Иерусалим и много пострадать от старейшин и первосвященников и книжников, и быть убиту, и в третий день воскреснуть. " (От Матфея 16:19-21)
Many people thank for God’s help and healings that received from God. If you want – join our prayers, and we will pray for your needs. The prayer ministry was entrusted by God to the Kovel Church Founded in 1924 – this is Sunday prayers for the whole world.
GOD’S MOMENTARY HEALING OF OLGA GIZS Suddenly I felt severe pain that gripped me around the right side of my body and the spinal column. It was so strong that I could neither breathe in nor breathe out. That night I hardly slept. From time to time the pain intensified so much that I could not find a position in which I would feel easier. I could barely move from a sofa to the floor. I just was rolling on the floor because of the pain. I was in this state for about a week... HEALING BY GOD IN KENYA On February 13, 2015, believers from Africa made a request and asked us to pray for the eight-years old girl Razija from Kenya who had fallen ill with two terrible diseases at the same time – malaria and typhoid. This hardship was confided to the Kovel Church and the believers of the Kovel Church prayed for her healing. And really, on February 19 they sent us the joyful message: “The peace of God to you, dear believers, who prayed!... THE TESTIMONY OF VASYL My father was ill with pancreatic cancer; the hospital had discharged him to die at home. The hospital physician said that the metastases have metastasized (spread) throughout his body and he could only live a few days. At that time he only weighed about thirty kilograms (sixty-six pounds)... |