"Истинно, истинно говорю вам: вы восплачете и возрыдаете, а мир возрадуется; вы печальны будете, но печаль ваша в радость будет.
Женщина, когда рождает, терпит скорбь, потому что пришел час ее; но когда родит младенца, уже не помнит скорби от радости, потому что родился человек в мир.
Так и вы теперь имеете печаль; но Я увижу вас опять, и возрадуется сердце ваше, и радости вашей никто не отнимет у вас; "
(От Иоанна 16:20-22)
"Тайну, сокрытую от веков и родов, ныне же открытую святым Его,
Которым благоволил Бог показать, какое богатство славы в тайне сей для язычников, которая есть Христос в вас, упование славы,
Которого мы проповедуем, вразумляя всякого человека и научая всякой премудрости, чтобы представить всякого человека совершенным во Христе Иисусе; "
(К Колоссянам 1:26-28)
Many people thank for God’s help and healings that received from God. If you want – join our prayers, and we will pray for your needs. The prayer ministry was entrusted by God to the Kovel Church Founded in 1924 – this is Sunday prayers for the whole world.

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On December 17, 2012, cleaning the yard of snow, I felt a severe pain in the lower spine. I scarcely entered the house and hardly laid down on sofa. The pains were so strong that it was impossible to turn around or sit down or stand up. In order to get out of sofa, I had to roll down the floor, and gritting my teeth in pain, get up slowly, while my whole body was covering with cold sweat. Knowing that there is the ministry of the prayer with the anointing with oil in our church, and remembering the healing of the people who through this ministry received instant healings from God, by telephone I asked God's minister of our Kovel Church to pray for my healing...



A young man Alibek from Kazakhstan was taken to the regional hospital with the closed craniocerebral injury. His behaviour was inadequate: he did not recognize any relatives, was frightened with something, cried, laughed, darted away to go somewhere… His actions cause fear in others. There was always somebody of relatives beside him. They did not leave him unattended. His relatives cried in despair, because they saw the true state of his health...



A young man Alibek from Kazakhstan was taken to the regional hospital with the closed craniocerebral injury. His behaviour was inadequate: he did not recognize any relatives, was frightened with something, cried, laughed, darted away to go somewhere… His actions cause fear in others. There was always somebody of relatives beside him. They did not leave him unattended. His relatives cried in despair, because they saw the true state of his health...