"Прошу вас, братия, будьте, как я, потому что и я, как вы. Вы ничем не обидели меня:
Знаете, что, хотя я в немощи плоти благовествовал вам в первый раз,
Но вы не презрели искушения моего во плоти моей и не возгнушались им, а приняли меня, как Ангела Божия, как Христа Иисуса. "
(К Галатам 4:12-14)
"И сказал: чему уподобим Царствие Божие? или какою притчею изобразим его?
Оно - как зерно горчичное, которое, когда сеется в землю, есть меньше всех семян на земле;
А когда посеяно, всходит и становится больше всех злаков, и пускает большие ветви, так что под тенью его могут укрываться птицы небесные. "
(От Марка 4:30-32)
Many people thank for God’s help and healings that received from God. If you want – join our prayers, and we will pray for your needs. The prayer ministry was entrusted by God to the Kovel Church Founded in 1924 – this is Sunday prayers for the whole world.

THE TESTIMONY OF SVETLANA: “Gratitude to the Living God for the miraculous healing”

Svetlana Ozerova

“Gratitude to the Living God for the miraculous healing”

On December 3, 2011, we appealed to the Kovel Church through the internet, so that the believers would pray for our health. And on December 4, 2011, our child had a terrible flu. His temperature 39.4°C brought down with paracetamol for a short time, but it came back again with terrible vomiting and the refusal of food and was already 39.5°C. I read many testimonies of healings through a single prayer of the Kovel Church and I very wanted to write my own testimony. On Sunday, December 4, 2011, the believers of the Kovel Church were praying for us, and on December 7, 2011, the temperature had gone in an instant and had not returned. The child immediately felt fresh, became alert and asked for the meals. We came to a district doctor; she carefully listened to child’s chest and said, “The breathing of your child is clear as crystal.” All told me about this flu: what will happen after such a terrible temperature, a terrible cough and a terrible weakening of the organism. You will be back to normal in a very long time after flu symptoms – but all of this was people talking. The Living God heals immediately and forever, in an instant – like lightning. We thank the Living God, we thank the Kovel Church. Let all the people read my testimony of God’s mercy to us, and make haste to pray at the same time with the Kovel Church.

Svetlana Ozerova

Cherkassy, Ukraine

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It passed about twenty years from the time that I found a round wart on the top of my forehead. Its color was the same as the body color, so it was negligible. Over the years it grew and became about 1.5 cm in diameter...



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The Healing of Alexander Nazarenko

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