Но, видя сильный ветер, испугался и, начав утопать, закричал: Господи! спаси меня.
Иисус тотчас простер руку, поддержал его и говорит ему: маловерный! зачем ты усомнился? "
"Он же сказал: иди. И, выйдя из лодки, Петр пошел по воде, чтобы подойти к Иисусу,
Но, видя сильный ветер, испугался и, начав утопать, закричал: Господи! спаси меня. Иисус тотчас простер руку, поддержал его и говорит ему: маловерный! зачем ты усомнился? " (От Матфея 14:29-31)
"Я уверен в Господе, что и сам скоро приду к вам.
Впрочем я почел нужным послать к вам Епафродита, брата и сотрудника и сподвижника моего, а вашего посланника и служителя в нужде моей, Потому что он сильно желал видеть всех вас и тяжко скорбел о том, что до вас дошел слух о его болезни. " (К Филиппийцам 2:24-26)
Many people thank for God’s help and healings that received from God. If you want – join our prayers, and we will pray for your needs. The prayer ministry was entrusted by God to the Kovel Church Founded in 1924 – this is Sunday prayers for the whole world.
GOD SAID THE PHONE NUMBER I caught on a cobblestone, fell and injured my shoulder. I could see my collar bone sticking up, my arm hung loose. I felt severe pain. I was taken to the hospital. After medical examination and X-ray exams I was diagnosed with closed fracture of acromial end of the right clavicle with rupture of tendons. The fracture was very difficult, therefore I was urgently sent to surgery to fix broken bones with metal spokes and repaired torn tendons. The doctor explained that if this operation would be ineffective, it would be necessary to operate again, selecting an appropriate bone graft (osteoplasty). And there was no guarantee that the functions of my hand would be restored... GOD’S HEALING OF TAISIA FROM THE TUMOR In the name of Jesus Christ I witness about my healing in our Kovel Church. In 1994, two small growths formed on my right foot. And about two months ago I found that the growths have coalesced into a single tumor. I was worried because of growing tumor; it was a walnut-sized... THE TESTIMONY OF SVETLANA: “Gratitude to the Living God for the miraculous healing” On December 3, 2011, we appealed to the Kovel Church through the internet, so that the believers would pray for our health. And on December 4, 2011, our child had a terrible flu. His temperature 39.4°C brought down with paracetamol for a short time, but it came back again with terrible vomiting and the refusal of food... |