Противящийся и превозносящийся выше всего, называемого Богом или святынею, так что в храме Божием сядет он, как Бог, выдавая себя за Бога.
Не помните ли, что я, еще находясь у вас, говорил вам это? "
"Да не обольстит вас никто никак: ибо день тот не придет, доколе не придет прежде отступление и не откроется человек греха, сын погибели,
Противящийся и превозносящийся выше всего, называемого Богом или святынею, так что в храме Божием сядет он, как Бог, выдавая себя за Бога. Не помните ли, что я, еще находясь у вас, говорил вам это? " (2-е Фессалоникийцам 2:3-5)
"Всякий, пребывающий в Нем, не согрешает; всякий согрешающий не видел Его и не познал Его.
Дети! да не обольщает вас никто. Кто делает правду, тот праведен, подобно как Он праведен. Кто делает грех, тот от диавола, потому что сначала диавол согрешил. Для сего-то и явился Сын Божий, чтобы разрушить дела диавола. " (1-е Иоанна 3:6-8)
Many people thank for God’s help and healings that received from God. If you want – join our prayers, and we will pray for your needs. The prayer ministry was entrusted by God to the Kovel Church Founded in 1924 – this is Sunday prayers for the whole world.
ANNA’S TESTIMONY OF GOD’S HEALING I live in Germany. When I was at work, pains in my belly, under the right ribs started which disturbed me. I was not able to work, I came back home. The pain intensified, nausea and vomiting appeared. The state of my health became worse and worse, so I was taken to doctor. A large stone in my gallbladder was found through ultrasound. The doctor said, “This stone can block bile-excreting duct at any time, and then the flow of bile must be stopped.” Therefore he gave me referral for emergency surgery... GOD’S HEALING OF VLADIMIR The day before yesterday, 14.07.2011, Vladimir at dawn turned to a minister of the Kovel Church, asking him to pray for healing, because he at night began to feel excruciating pain in his abdomen in the right side. His liver was swollen, so it stuck out from under ribs... TESTIMONY ON THE INSTANT HEALING OF A YOUNG WOMAN BY GOD It was Sunday, December 4th, 2016. A young woman came to the minister of the Kovel Church and told him about her great health problems, that permanent excruciating stabbing pains in her right side, in the kidney region and her stomach had scared her for several years. She said: “So far I could endure the pain. I did not talk about it to anybody, but now I do not know what to do, the pains increase with every day... |