"Ибо спящие спят ночью, и упивающиеся упиваются ночью.
Мы же, будучи сынами дня, да трезвимся, облекшись в броню веры и любви и в шлем надежды спасения,
Потому что Бог определил нас не на гнев, но к получению спасения через Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, "
(1-е Фессалоникийцам 5:7-9)
"Благодарю давшего мне силу, Христа Иисуса, Господа нашего, что Он признал меня верным, определив на служение,
Меня, который прежде был хулитель и гонитель и обидчик, но помилован потому, что так поступал по неведению, в неверии;
Благодать же Господа нашего (Иисуса Христа) открылась во мне обильно с верою и любовью во Христе Иисусе. "
(1-е Тимофею 1:12-14)
Many people thank for God’s help and healings that received from God. If you want – join our prayers, and we will pray for your needs. The prayer ministry was entrusted by God to the Kovel Church Founded in 1924 – this is Sunday prayers for the whole world.



In the name of Jesus Christ, I witness of the miracle which God performed, by healing and saving me from disaster.

On April 10, 2016, on Sunday, I had to go upstairs to the garret on a ladder. When I climbed down I tried to close the hatch, but something got under it. Half-bent I stood on the ladder and several times lifted and lowered this heavy hatch with my head to close it completely. Therefore, I felt a burning pain in my neck, at the place, where the spine begins. It was hard to hold my head upright. I went to bed immediately. Three days, until Wednesday, I nearly all the time lay in my bed. Even in the short period of time, when I ate something, it was hard for me to sit, it was painful to hold my head upright and so I supported it with my hand. The medical doctor had difficulties to give a visual diagnosis. She supposed there was an injury to the cervical spine.

On April 13, following our invitation, God’s ministers of our Kovel Church came to our house. I knew that through their prayers God performs Great miracles, and I myself had got healings several times. I had turned to them and asked to pray for me, after having told them of my trouble. God’s ministers prayed for me and soon left. My heavy pains continued. I put my head on a small cushion, found a comfortable position of my body and soon fell asleep. Until then I had not slept for several nights due to the pains. But this night I slept well! I woke up in the morning and had no more pains. I could easily hold my head upright. A miracle had been performed! God had healed me! In the morning I went out to work in the fields and helped to plant potatoes and easily did some other jobs till late in the evening. So God according to His great mercy had heard His ministers and had healed me by only one prayer of them. And it fulfilled what is written in the Holy Gospel of John 9:31: "…but if any one is a worshiper of God and does His will, God listens to him".

In the name of Jesus Christ, glory to the Great Almighty Holy God Who powerfully acts in our Kovel Church! Amen.



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I want to witness how God over great distances through the prayers of believers in Ukraine performed miracles in my family. I live in Germany. Some time ago my youngest daughter Regina fell ill. The diagnosis was gastroenteritis (stomach flu)...



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