"И если кто не примет вас и не будет слушать вас, то, выходя оттуда, отрясите прах от ног ваших, во свидетельство на них. Истинно говорю вам: отраднее будет Содому и Гоморре в день суда, нежели тому городу.
Они пошли и проповедывали покаяние;
Изгоняли многих бесов и многих больных мазали маслом и исцеляли. "
(От Марка 6:11-13)
"Так что мы сами хвалимся вами в церквах Божиих, терпением вашим и верою во всех гонениях и скорбях, переносимых вами
В доказательство того, что будет праведный суд Божий, чтобы вам удостоиться Царствия Божия, для которого и страдаете.
Ибо праведно пред Богом - оскорбляющим вас воздать скорбью, "
(2-е Фессалоникийцам 1:4-6)
Many people thank for God’s help and healings that received from God. If you want – join our prayers, and we will pray for your needs. The prayer ministry was entrusted by God to the Kovel Church Founded in 1924 – this is Sunday prayers for the whole world.



I caught on a cobblestone, fell and injured my shoulder. I could see my collar bone sticking up, my arm hung loose. I felt severe pain. I was taken to the hospital. After medical examination and X-ray exams I was diagnosed with closed fracture of acromial end of the right clavicle with rupture of tendons. The fracture was very difficult, therefore I was urgently sent to surgery to fix broken bones with metal spokes and repaired torn tendons. The doctor explained that if this operation would be ineffective, it would be necessary to operate again, selecting an appropriate bone graft (osteoplasty). And there was no guarantee that the functions of my hand would be restored. It all takes a lot of money. I had to give my written consent for surgery under general anesthesia. I was upset. I worried about the pain. 

Before the surgery I decided to ask advice of the minister of the Kovel Church. When I saw him, I told him everything. He listened to me, and after a short time he said to me, “There is no need to have surgery, it just need to fix your shoulder with a special bandage, and God Himself will knit bones and tendons.” I saw a traumatologist again to ask whether they have a specialist who can do such a bandage, but he replied, “No bandage could help. You need to do surgery.”

I was so embarrassing. At my request I was taken home. At this time the minister of our church came to me and asked me whether I have found the specialist who can make a special bandage. I replied, “I have not.” Someone among those present remembered that there is a bonesetter who makes bandages for fractures. It is about 100 kilometres from my house to the inhabited locality where he lives. My acquaintances gave me his phone number but no one was answered. A worker in the information desk said, “This number is not in service.” We all sat in silence and thought of what to do next. At that time, God said to the minister of the Kovel Church the phone number on which he may contact the bonesetter. The minister picked up the phone and began to dial that number. A little girl answered. The minister asked, “Does a bonesetter live in your inhabited locality?” She replied, “Yes, he does, but his house is far away from their house. The minister of the church asked that little girl, she called out to her parents. She said, “Just a minute, I’ll call my parents.” And suddenly she said with joy, “The bonesetter is walking on the road near our house.” The minister said, “If you can, please call him to the phone.” Then he heard a male voice. It was the same bonesetter whom we were looking for. When he heard how we have found him, he was surprised very much. He told us that his phone had not worked for several months, and that he lives a kilometre away from this place. God saw that the bonesetter would pass by this house, so God with God’s precision did everything in order for our meeting, and the word was fulfilled which has been said before: that it was necessary to fix my shoulder with the special bandage, and God Himself would knit bones and tendons. 

The same day I was taken to the bonesetter. He put a tight bandage consists of a long strip of material (20-25 meters) and instructed not to move my arm during sixty days when the bone would to knit (this means a broken bone knits as many days as a person’s age). Four days later a swelling disappeared and the bandage became loose, so I had to go to the bonesetter again in order to wrap this bandage tighter. He wanted to do something, but suddenly he said with surprise, “The bone has already knitted!” Later I heard that many people with the same fractures like me had unsuccessful operations, even abroad: their bones were rotting and their hand functions were not restoring for months or even years. Doctors did on them other surgeries, but they remained disabled. 

So the Great God did a miracle – God healed me and saved me from many disasters! 

Soon I went to see the doctor who had sent me for an operation, and said, “Rejoice with me, God has healed me!” Having looked at my healed shoulder, he was very surprised and said, “Well, all right!” 

A month later, I lifted heavy objects without fear and could do everything as before, without restriction of movement. My shoulder had healed with full recovery of arm-hand function! 

Glory to the Great Living God! Amen!



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The Testimony of Ivan and Galina Sas

I promised to be a believer and God through the prayers of the Kovel Church healed my mentally sick wife Galina...



This happened in July 1966. One day in July, I went pick up blueberries in the woods. When I entered the depths of the woods, I heard loud talking, but no one was visible. A little further I saw very beautiful blackberries. I ate it, and after that I felt really bad, so pretty much my whole body was...



In the name of Jesus Christ I witness about my healing in our Kovel Church. In 1994, two small growths formed on my right foot. And about two months ago I found that the growths have coalesced into a single tumor. I was worried because of growing tumor; it was a walnut-sized...