"Ибо все вы - сыны света и сыны дня: мы - не сыны ночи, ни тьмы.
Итак, не будем спать, как и прочие, но будем бодрствовать и трезвиться.
Ибо спящие спят ночью, и упивающиеся упиваются ночью. "
(1-е Фессалоникийцам 5:5-7)
"Так видел я в видении коней и на них всадников, которые имели на себе брони огненные, гиацинтовые и серные; головы у коней - как головы у львов, и изо рта их выходил огонь, дым и сера.
От этих трех язв, от огня, дыма и серы, выходящих изо рта их, умерла третья часть людей;
Ибо сила коней заключалась во рту их и в хвостах их; а хвосты их были подобны змеям, и имели головы, и ими они вредили. "
(Откровение 9:17-19)
Many people thank for God’s help and healings that received from God. If you want – join our prayers, and we will pray for your needs. The prayer ministry was entrusted by God to the Kovel Church Founded in 1924 – this is Sunday prayers for the whole world.

The Healing of Alexander Moritz

Alexander Moritz

         In the name of the Great God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I want to tell you how I received the healing of my eyesight in the Kovel Church. I had very poor eyesight. Besides, ordinary shortsightedness, I had a cylindrical shift of the optical axis in both eyes. My eyesight became increasingly worse because the optical axis shifted more and more. That’s why I had to change my eyeglasses every six months. This cost about 230–255€ in Germany, where I live. In addition, my eyes could bear neither sunlight nor electric light. I had to wear special tinted glasses, and 20 minutes without the glasses were painful anguish: my eyes ached, became bloodshot and filled with tears. In the summer of 1991, God’s minister of the Kovel Church offered to pray for my healing. He said: “We believe in the Living God Who has the power of healing. So if you have faith to be healed, let us pray for the healing of your eyes now.” I answered: “I have faith.” After having taken my glasses off, I knelt down and we prayed. After just a single prayer, God healed me! I did not put the glasses on again and felt well. In the afternoon, we rode to the neighboring city of Brunswick. In the evening, going back, home I looked with ease at the headlights of oncoming cars and it did not disturb me as it had done before. I was happy and thanked the Almighty God for the fact that He had healed my eyes, restored 100% of my eyesight and 100% of my light perception. Now I do not need glasses at all.

 My sister Nelli has been healed by God many times. The last time it happened was in May 2003. Nelli raised a heavy load in the wrong way and got a herniated spine. She could not sleep, sit with ease and could hardly walk. But, in spite of the disease and all the difficulties, believing in the Power of the Living God, she ventured to go with us to our friends in the town of Kovel. During the trip, it was very painful for her, since we had to cross two state borders and a distance of 1200 kilometers. She had severe pains and her legs were swollen. Some time after our arrival in the town of Kovel (the disease grew progressively worse) we came to the service of God by God’s Will, that means in the name of God. God’s minister of the Kovel Church invited all the congregation to pray for the sick ones in the name of Jesus Christ. Nelli needed and wanted healing. So she knelt down in the service and begged God for healing without telling anyone about her disease. During the prayer, God filled the minister of the Kovel Church with His Power, and he came to Nelli and laid his right hand on her in the name of Jesus Christ. At the same time there was a Prophetic Word through this minister that Nelli had been healed. She got up from her knees after the prayer and declared that she had been seriously ill and that God had just healed her immediately. When the minister’s hand was laid on her, she felt how THE WORKING THE POWER OF GOD was straightening her spinal column, and one by one the vertebrae returned to their place. The pain stopped immediately.

So the words of Jesus Christ fulfilled: “They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:18b).

We are witnesses to many great miracles, which God has done in His people, namely in the Kovel Church to which we belong. 

Glory to God for everything! Amen!

Alexander Moritz

Salzgitter, Germany

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My cousin fell more than ten years ago, hurting the bottom of the spine – tailbone (coccyx). The injury was so severe that she could not even stand up for awhile. She turned to doctors and bonesetters, but there was no deliverance...



My cousin fell more than ten years ago, hurting the bottom of the spine – tailbone (coccyx). The injury was so severe that she could not even stand up for awhile. She turned to doctors and bonesetters, but there was no deliverance...